Oh my glob! Left is before & right is after The Hair Cut. Yeah, I have been living with both of these sexy beasts, cuz they're both just my Dall. LOL, there's no "just" to it:D I have THE best boyfriend that has ever been. Cuz I'm THE best girlfriend in the infinite verse. I'm so envious of his short hair. Short hair is just SO easy & esp awesome with this hot as hell room I live in. But I wont' be shaving my head again any time soon. I'm gonna grow and grow and grow my hair until it's longer than it was in high school!
~*What I wore today*~
~*the other Wal Mart had GUMDROP*!*~
~*this lush lav is good enuff to eat ^-^ nom*~
Counter Clockwise: Gentle Heart Lamb, Best Friend Bear, Take Care Bear, Superstar Bear. There were more, but these are the best fit for Mindy ;D don't you think?
~* I unearthed Care Bears (so much diggin to find tooZ)*~
~*can hardly buh leeve my luck {yeeps} Isn't the seafoam voodoo doll just adorbz?
~*Sean got another El Tigre figure for his collection*!* ~
And he got this sweet GitD raptor skeelyton.
We are so stoked on these Trash Pack toys. They're like squinkies, but OMFG BeTteR. It's so funny, cuz our first blind bag experience was crazy bonez, which are kinda cool hard plastic pre-squinkie toys we found MIP at a thrift store, then we dabbled in moshi cuz we appreciated them more than squinkies. Moshi are mostly stupid tho. I have a princess donkey, a pink lump that looks like me in LSP cousin form, and a starfish I'm gonna paint green ;] I got the LM Ursula & seahorse blindbag(which I had a knowing~also known as deciding reality), but other than that I've only ever bought squinkies for my cat, Grim. MLP Blind Bags are a NO_brainer & I've got more of those to open & make videos for+ a sweetie is sending me a newer series one from overseas. And then we got Star Wars ones & declared ourselves official Blind Bag Junkies. NOW, the blind bags are actual junk with a great aesthetic & huge personality. They're like Garbage Pail Kids only SO much more plentiful and fun. The art style totes reminds me of Rocko's Modern Life, Aaah Real Monsters!, Angry Beavers, and the color schemes are right on. They are a game of sorts too; ya stack the trash cans they come in(those have a great snappy closure & look cool besides) and throw trashies to knock em down. We have to get a friend into these. Til then, Sean and I trade with each other.
this is Stench Fry (the RARE colorway)
This is Flesh Eating Virus & is ULTRA RARE & jelly see thru~luv it*!*
I wuld get a virus, lol
After Seany left I cleaned pony and sea pony~I adoradore this purplee pony ^-^ her body is supah shimmery & her hair is pink & white candy cane [YAY]
Bathed Care Bears
Even after all that I was still in the mood to DO. So I mixed up a small amount of hair color to do a strand test. I used a pre-color spray that is supposed to balance the porosity & I may not need that on my roots. I dont' think I got the 2 to 1 part exactly right either. But 45 minutes got me to a golden blond. I also haven't used teh red/gold corrector to lighten this strand cuz it's not in reclosable bottles like the color and developer are. 30 vol Ion Sensitive Scalp Developer & Ion High Lift Ash Blond Creme.Then I mixed up some lavender. Fingernail scraping of Ultra Violet Manic Panic potted plus 2 Table Spoons of conditioner equals lush*!* I put it over the remaining pink and blue green & am getting totes eager to have one color of hair now. Just like how Sean loved his long hair til the scissors whisked it away to be donated I love my 20 shades of pony hair. But, change is so good & now that I see how loverly the lavender is I'm ready to fully embrace the one-ish color. My hair is so many shades now it's gonna be many shades of lavender on the ends. I'm just dying right over my faded color. Ultraviolet is blue based, so it's good to put over the pink and the blue tones still clinging to my hair.
Now I am really wiped out. The only other thing I've done online is email my mom, cuz I got her a really neat thing while I was thrifting & I know she's stoked to hear about how hot my boyfrin is with his hair all hacked off.
Lol, im so sure your mom is just Dying to hear about his hotness! (Me) lol