Saturday, August 2, 2014

Make the Interior Eerier

I've been making things & cleaning my space, which as per yoosh got me thinking about interior design. Just last night I was describing my interior design final to my friend. The fictional apartment is L shaped with each room a different color; according to the rainbow. He tells me that's straight out of a Poe story called Masque of the Red Death. I hadn't realized that at all since I haven't read that one. But now I have a better understanding of why it was seen as lazy and not good enough... for an A.

Having my own apartment; a real one that's all mine, is amazing. Oh, the potential. For a year now I've been trying to decide what color(s) to spray paint my shelves and wood pieces.  There isn't a pink worthy of my dollar thus far, so it's been a matter of black or white for going on 6 months. I know this sounds daft, but I swear to you it only just occurred to me to make each piece black and white. Spirals , stripes, checkerboards, and vanishing point perspectives can't help but summon visions of some my favorite interior moviescapes.

It's quite a challenge finding pieces are spooky yet still easy on the eyes. Most seem to be garish, look like props, or are just entirely impractical. If you want Halloween kitsch
 you're in the wrong place, mister.
(this set is pretty fab tho ;p)

So without further ado, I present to you the finest Burtonesque furniturey designs the web has to offer.

this might be my favorite coffee table of the entire universe

Of course I'm just going to use painters tape & spray paint for my stuff.

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