Tuesday, January 14, 2014

This Day has been Brought to You by the Letter: M...and the Number: 11

Hi guys ^-^
As you may or may not know, I had my first appointment today, after a *years* long hiatus, with my doctor & I was hella nervous about it. Not that there's really anything whatsoever to be fearful about; I just start having conversations with people long before I'm in the room with them. It causes me to not know what I've actually said vs what I've (in a way) rehearsed....which means important stuff can fall by the wayside.

You wonderful, supportive sweetie-hearts, who let me know you were right there with me in spirit, srsly made an ~*enormous*~ difference. Just knowing that you're out there wishing me well and hoping for the best helps me to relax and allow things to go. Someone suggested I try to turn the icky anxiety feels into hapZ excited feels, so I was trying to do that all night long. I certainly feel that I don't deserve to have bad/ dissapointing experiences and I can be more confident when I don't feel so alone.

Last night was...um. rough; spasms kept me awake and alert & my mind wandered down some dark alleys. SO! I got no sleep prior to le appointment, despite my every efforts. By the time I got to the office waiting room I wass totes overhwelmed & just filling out the paperwoek was a redick big strain. But, ya know, I also hadn't had a conversation with anyone for many hours & exchange is *SO* the wind-up key in my back.

By the time I went over all the notes on my itenaray with the nurse I was goin strong (way tronger from lack o sleep) and I'm so proud to say I met my doctor with light in my eyes & love in my heart. I sincerely don't think I could have done it without so many friends and follows haunting my heart.

Super Fantastic Appointment Mission~!~stage clear~!~
*!*BONUS*!* found a piece of cracked porcelain that may hold secrets of its own*!*

He asked me what the most concerning issues are, which stumped me for a bit & got us to talking. The eye-pain headaches, pee probs, and what seems to be worsening nerve damage (despite the fact I've taken ubiquinol for years) connected in a new way for him, seeing as how he'd just been acquiring information about long lasting harmful effects frommmm.....M-old. He asks me to think back and see if I can recall a time I was exposed to any & OMFG, yuh! My first apartment flooded horribly & I had to stay in that moldy damn damp place for weeks; I ended up getting a different apartment after writing a strongly worded letter to management in which I threatened to get litigious up in dis bizz. WIth my lengthy histry of lung malfunction that did the trick. Of course that was weeks I was with mold. *HE* tells me that people who went down to help after hurricane Katrina were infected within hours and continue to suffer to this day from friggin fraggn MOLD.

Let's all just send our deepest gratuitous feels to those who choose to take noble action, but esp those who did react negatively to the mold; without a natural case to study we may not have ever learned about the deathly wiles of mold. (can you imagine someone tuning me in for a second, not knowing who or what the holoheck is up?! my cold blue eyes ?? omglob ...and general intensity, ahem ) Don't mind me; just broadcasting props en mass, mwah~ha~ha.

Can you buhleeeve??? there is a genetic marker*?!* [squeee] for this mold allergy*?*
ya guiz that's so badass B0MB~just omg!~~!~~YUSS~!~!~

[X] Blood tests will be run for hormone balance + lyme + mold . C4A y'all.

[X] My moles, while indeed suspect, are likely benign. Going to try freezing off the one on my face (he says has a cyst under it) for less scarring. The others aren't cyst havin so I can opt to remove & test them. I do, cuz even my lil bro had skin cancer; it's close to home.

[X] Told me why insomnia does my mind good. The body pumps adrenaline through me when I'm sleep deprived, so it's totes like just doin it like a drug. Of course, this depletes my adrenals and causes undue stress to my adrenal gland.

[X] Got the meds I need to deal with my chronic nerve pain & spasms.

Now we all know fully well why I go batshit when I need sleep.

I told him I'm not comfy & cannot afford to treat lyme all naturally like I did for all of 2012. It's legit lyk I was dying, have died, yo. But, I am thinking that if I can start from as strong a body as I can get, then I might do a round of anti-lymie meds. That's like chemo tho & nuh-uh! cannot deal mit dat shizz now.

It was fab*!* Above & beyond, above & beyond.


After my appointment I went to my favie M-allll & O M G, u will never guess =D
I got the last 2 hair cones in the place. i die~ woohoo  ^-^ okey, I've seriously had ongoing online searches for such things for FOUR years*!!* But that's not all~!~I got holographic stickers galore: unicorns, pizza, ufos, balloons [yeee] you have no idea how squee-key elated I am. But that's not the best part...

I spent exact-lee $11.11

You know me =p  pah ha welp

Now every one of those fuxxxin stickers will remind me of this fab day we decided was possible & all made together. It's lyk dripping with with crazy good vibes. You are ALL totes my LSD*!* hee hee hee ^-*

lemme see what the Mayan date is. That's the energy this day is manifesting with focused intentions. update: well my lah pink top is pooped & i dunno if it'll even uppy dis blog now [le sigh]

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