Friday, July 6, 2012

New Sailor Moon

Just when I think life isn't gonna get better, it does. It goes right ahead and creates MORE NEW Sailor Moon. This could mean a whole bunch of things for me. Cosplay and figmas, hot topic trips and a plethora of merch. On a weekly basis I stumble over items I could mayhep add to my collection. But I resist for the most part & my collection is modest.

I will definitely make a photoshoot with the stuff I have. I just added this adorable crisis heart pendant necklace to my life in money helped aminals.

When I woke up much earlier than expected and Sean bounded into the room to share the news with me I seriously had to ask if I was dreaming still. It's just so insane and awesome. I never finished watching Stars in English. I saw it when it aired in Japan thanx you to KaZaA. Mind you I was high a lot and anyway don't reacall most of what I saw since I don't speak a word of Japanese. I couldn't bear to live in this world if I completed the experience of the television series, tho I have it on DVD. And now there's gonna be more Sailor Moon*!!* I'll finish up the series I have now, teehee. Having put off a sorrow and believing and being part of this amazing multiverse has made it so that sorrow won't exist when I, at last, finish my most beloved Sailor Moon.

Today I wondered how many tumblr pages I have. I tried and I think failed at creating tumblr to post a Sailor Moon image I'd edited together with Winx Club...appresh for them being an obvious extension, if somewhat hollow from localization from Italian to English.

You may have thought me childish for liking Sailor Moon and no doubt subjecting you to it, perhaps in some cases (no definitely) as I demand control of your TV upon first meeting, when it came on Toonami. Or maybe we were kindred spirits in our love for the beautiful imagery and intricate storylines. Either way, however little you ever knew of me you knew I liked, loved, breathed for Sailor Moon.

The anime was diluted for kids. Unless I was there providing you the inside info, the Neptune and Uranus relationship was probably confusing. But they're a lesbian couple. They weren't the only gender bending thread woven into the tapestry that is Sailor Moon. The last season, Stars, was never localized for TV here because of the transgender trio of performers central to the plot.

I shudder with joy to think of what villains will be. Sailor Moon has had some of the most twisted and frightening enemies as well as some of the silliest. Their inhuman nature allowed for some large bare breasted ladies to come up against the Sailor Scouts time and again. The recurring masters of darkness are some of the most beautiful and alluring women to grace an anime. It's sometimes hard to watch because you don't want Sailor Moon to win and wither her opponent.

She does win, though. With love and support from friends. A quality of this anime that I ever adored...friendship and love....though outside of fiction I didn't believe in either. So many times the show brought me to tears or made my day. That I've had the chance to share that joy with the few I have and those memories I hold dear. Evidence that parts of me as I am now have always been. If I can set aside hatred or apathy for Sailor Moon?! A significant event.

I woke up at 5 to watch the show on Crew 62, sacrificing food and developing a quick and effective way to brush my teeth. I taped every episode on toonami, cuz I got home at 4:20 and the show began at 4. I used to run around the house with my best friend. singing & playing Sailor Moon, after school. I painted Sailor Moon onto my gym shirt with acrylics. When I wrote notes in school I put SM characters for people's names. I still have the Sailor Moon gifts I got from Sarah...must've been in 10th grade. In the mental hospital I drew characters from the show on the dry erase board every day and taught people what anime was. A guy there did the same for Dragon Ball Z and we traded drawings..I have a Dragon Ball Z drawing & he has Sailor Moon & senshi. I only went to prom cuz I found the perfect green shimmer high neck Lita dress. I wore black gloves that went to my elbow. For my senior video we were told to write what we wanted to be when we grew up and the sign I'm holding says, "Sailor Moon" ~I have video proof....also proof that Jaylyn is a beautiful flower.

I was Rini for Halloween 2001 when I lived with my friend. For the hair I used pink yarn. When I lived with my Gramma all I did, all day, all night, was draw Sailor Moon from the Stars manga she'd bought for me to entertain myself with. I wanted to be an artist and drawing isn't a thing you can just takes practice. I got good, too...really damn good actually. My family didn't understand and my "doing nothing" got me kicked out of there. When I was lithium fat in 2003 I made a Sailor Moon costume to wear to Dish Network where I worked and I still have & use both mirror compacts I painted. I ran all over town to hunt down the Deluxe figures. I have all the chibi keychains MOC and a set of the posable figures MOC and a set open for dis-play. I got the TRU exclusive of Serena and Chibi Moon. In other words, as soon as Mindy had money she spent it on Sailor Moon stuff. It's huge to me, cuz I was homeless and I'd come a long way, longer still. I took the mini fig of Pluto to work with me at GameStop when I was just a GA, to ground me in space and time (globulously) and to talk to. I added Jupiter, completing my inner senshi collection only this year. I had no desire to purchase one from ebay: I wanted her from someone who ran all over town like I did and knew I'd love her to death. Lita's my fave & the last doll I got. I am a hardcore Sailor Moon fan.

Hard to say when I knew Sean was the one. Upon first meeting I think it was there, but I was heart-frozen then and emotion of any kind was easy to ignore. It was when we had a conversation about Sailor Moon during a night shift that he told me he had a Sailor Moon poster hanging in his room when he was in High School. That bend that I feel so greatly nowadays it's positively a swoon.. I felt it then. And I went, oh shit, there goes my policy of keeping underlings at a distance. Sean and I were fast friends. You know you've met your soul mate when you wind up with 2 copies of the Sailor Moon song CD after moving in together.

The only other guy I'd met who liked Sailor Moon did so privately, with some shame. He sat outside my tent for hours while I recounted the events of several seasons of Sailor Moon to a new friend. It's because it inspires such light and love in me that I've ever been able to paint word pictures as beautiful as the anime itself.

My first apartment (sans roomie) I had all my Senshi & Sailor Moon dolls suspended at about a 50 degree angle over my front door. It was *!*awesome*!* and generally people noticed as they were leaving and realized they could have been greeted by sailor panties all in a row.

My love for anime hasn't waned, but my inability to read subtitles has greatly reduced my enjoyment and appreciation of it. I loved Winx Club because it was an opportunity to express appreciation for Sailor Moon. Now all this love and continued attention has brought me & you to a world where there's actually going to be new sailor senshi stories. It's utterly insane...fits nicely with errythang else we got goin on here.

This is the best life ever.

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