Thursday, August 16, 2012

~♥~*Thriftday the 16th*~♥~

If anybody asked me why I go thrifting or what it is I hope to find by shopping at second hand stores I'd have A LOT of reply....

Today I found every. single. thing. that I ever intend to find, EVER!
 These are glamazing dolls(Frankie's shoe heels are scissors!) & they have poems too!
I have a bigger, less plush Cheer Bear, so I left her for another sweety to find.
 My mommy made me a Minnie Mouse costume when I was four.
 They're Rivals(i put em togevs)
 I love vintage spandex

  he immediately said, "you're getting that!"
 I have the profile of a Monster High doll =p

 If Lexi hadn't told me they existed I'd never of thot to take that bear to the window, then into the dark ^-^
 Candy color shoes, G1 Soda Sippin MLP, Moondreamer, Darkwing Duck SET, beddy bye cat dolls, pink guns
 Kitten purse, pink TY pony, Ice Cream Truck purse, cupcake squinkie machine, anatomical horse
 Perfuckt floral 90's dress, wide white belt,Barbie purse w/frill trim, 2zips & vinyl pocket & heart cutout
 Lav/Wht Stripey, pink metallic pressed details, lt pnk metallic, holo silver, holo silver hearts belts
                                              ~*I been had thrifthaul*~

There's more than what's in these pictures(getting cleaned), but I'm pretty sure this is enuff to blow your mind.

It certainly blows *my* mind. I mean, I expect the world to piece itself together all around me, but today was beyond anything I've experienced. In a few hours I had found so much & had such a fun time it seemed like 10 hours had gone by. We got home at 2:30.

I wish I could end this day with a smaching slumburr party, but all my girlyfrins live far from me. So y'all pretend we made cotton candy, got smashed on marshmallow & whipped cream vodka, had a (cheepo)cream soda fight in the backyard, and then made schtuffs all the while talking over a marathon of the best movies evah.

Okay, so leave comments*&*tell me what snack, what stuffed aminal or doll, and what fave movie you wanna bring to share/watch at our slumbur partay.

Snack: vegan GlutenFree s'mores pops (sugar *&&&* fire)
~Stuffed Animal: Penelope my purple dinosaur (cuz she a party dino)
~~Movie: Fern Gully

1 comment:

  1. I love all the stuff u found. I cant wait to go thrifting in September. Im going to make it a ritual to go every month. Where thrisf store did u go to?
